
To Thine OWN Self, Be True .

Happy 15th!
May puts me in a super reflective mood, so for this post, I`d like to pull a selfish card and get personal with y`all if that`s alright :)

May is a month that I have truly come to love over the past 2 years, and each May since 2010 has been full of Blessings and milestones.

For starters, I graduated with my Bachelor`s of Science in Business from Virginia Tech`s Hospitality and Tourism Management Program in 2010. Can`t even believe that was 2 years ago, because it still feels like only yesterday I sported my decorated cap and gown, and proudly walked that stage.

Secondly, I embarked on my entrepreneurial venture and founded SEQUiN SOiREES in May of 2010. I remember wanting to take the plunge, but feeling anxious and thinking, "Really, Alana?! 21-year olds don`t open businesses, that`s insane!" But after much encouragement from supportive friends and family, I decided my dreams and my passion were so worth the risk. Extremely glad I listened, and can look back with nothing but a bright smile and huge heart full of humility for every single Blessing that has come my way from that decision.

Finally, I began this blog in May of 2011 :) At the time, I was extremely frustrated because there I was, one year post-grad, living on my own in a new city away from my family, working for a full-time employer that I couldn`t stand -- and one that had NOTHiNG to do with weddings or special events at all. I graduated into a tough economy, where applying for a full-time job was my full-time job, and I was just grateful to have a decent job offer with benefits. I still haven`t quite figured out which is the lesser of the two evils -- being unhappy but not knowing what you want to do in life, or knowing what you want to do and not knowing how to get there. The latter of the two was me, and I was absolutely miserable.

My blog was my creative outlet and my link to the wedding world. I felt like the real world was pulling me farther and farther AWAY from my passion for weddings and love -- the essence of who I have become.

Today, I also celebrate my one year anniversary with my current full-time employer :) No, it`s not in the wedding industry, but I am enjoying learning about corporate events and applying useful strategies to my approach with weddings! I`m beyond Blessed to say that SEQUiN SOiREES has already had one beautiful wedding this year (pics coming soon!), and has 3 more on the books so far between now and 2014!

I`m still seeking the day when I can be my own full-time employer and live in wedding bliss forever and ever, and trust me -- I WiLL get there ;) Thank you for supporting me in my blog and my entrepreneurial efforts, and from my heart I can honestly say:

Don`t EVER give up on your dreams, no matter what. Entrepreneur or not, you are your own biggest critic and your own walking brand. In the words of Ghandi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," and put your all into everything you do. The world is a better place because of who YOU are and the unique things that make you great.

DREAM hard,
ACHiEVE harder,
SMiLE often,
LOVE much, &
to thine OWN self, be true.

I love you and I look forward to sharing many more anniversaries and accomplishments with you on my entrepreneurial journey to the very top, til the very end :)

Sequin Soirees is now on Pinterest !

>> http://pinterest.com/sequinsoirees/

Formspring me !

>> http://www.formspring.me/SequinSoirees


>> https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Sequin-Soirees/145262928914846